At its August 2024 Meeting
, the Commission approved the following passing standard for the Math Performance Assessment (MPA) Field Test:
- All Fields (8 rubrics): A final cut score of 14 points
This passing standard will apply to all PK–3, Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH), Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), and Visual Impairments (VI) MPA submissions.
The Commission further approved the following for PK–3 candidates:
- PK–3 candidates who do not meet the field test passing standard for the CalTPA PK–3 Math Cycle may choose to resubmit revised evidence between January 17–31, 2025, OR wait until after July 1, 2025, to retake the operational version of the CalTPA PK–3 Math Cycle.
- PK–3 candidates participating in the MPA Field Test may meet the TPA requirement by taking and passing both the CalTPA Math Cycle Field Test and the CalTPA Instructional Cycle 2 in Literacy.
Although a performance assessment is not currently required for DHH, ECSE, and VI candidates, field test candidates should be aware of the following:
- DHH, ECSE, and VI candidates who meet the field test passing standard have valid Math Cycle results for 10 years. If candidates separate from their program prior to earning their preliminary credential and re-enroll when the performance assessment requirement is in place (on or after July 1, 2025), these results will count for the Math Cycle of the CalTPA. Candidates would subsequently need to take and pass the CalTPA Literacy Cycle in the same credential area to meet the performance assessment requirement.
- DHH, ECSE, and VI candidates participating in both the MPA Field Test and the LPA Field test who meet the field test passing standards for both assessments and return to earn a subsequent credential will have fulfilled the TPA requirement pursuant to §CCR Section 80095. See PSA 22-14
for more information.