Attention: There are several options for satisfying the subject matter requirement. Learn more about how to demonstrate subject matter proficiency .
Online proctoring is available for Subtest II of this test. You may test remotely, including from home.
Is online proctoring right for me? Read more about online proctoring, including important polices and requirements.
CSET: Physical Education consists of 3 subtests:
For computer-based testing at a test center, you may register to take any one subtest or all three subtests in a single test session.
For testing remotely via online proctoring, you may register to take Subtest II. Subtests I and III are not available via online proctoring.
Tests may include questions that are evaluated for future administrations and do not affect a candidate's score.
Subtests I and III include videotaped constructed-response components that require examinees to view a video excerpt and respond in writing to constructed-response items. For additional information about the videotaped constructed-response components, please refer to the CSET: Physical Education preparation materials.
If you register to take all subtests in a single session, you will be presented with one subtest at a time. Subtests are individually timed and are administered in consecutive order beginning with Subtest 1. After you complete a subtest, you will not be able to return to a subtest.
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