Attention: There are several options for satisfying the subject matter requirement. Learn more about how to demonstrate subject matter proficiency .
CSET: Industrial and Technology Education consists of 2 subtests:
You may register to take one or both subtests in a single test session.
Subtests I and II include one or more assignments that allow you to handwrite and scan responses. See scanning instructions and the hand-draw tutorial video for information on how to use a response sheet for handwritten responses. (The instructions will be available during testing.)
Tests may include questions that are evaluated for future administrations and do not affect a candidate's score.
If you register to take all subtests in a single session, you will be presented with one subtest at a time. Subtests are individually timed and are administered in consecutive order beginning with Subtest 1. After you complete a subtest, you will not be able to return to a subtest.
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