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Section 9: Annotated List of Resources for CSET: Art


This list identifies some resources that may help candidates prepare to take CSET: Art. While not a substitute for coursework or other types of teacher preparation, these resources may enhance a candidate's knowledge of the content covered on the examination. The references listed are not intended to represent a comprehensive listing of all potential resources. Candidates are not expected to read all of the materials listed below, and passage of the examination will not require familiarity with these specific resources. A brief summary is provided for each reference cited.


Ragans, Rosalind. ArtTalk. (2005). 4th ed. McGraw-Hill/Glencoe.

This book is a visual arts survey that provides information on art history, criticism and aesthetics, and studio production.

Frank, Patrick, et al. Prebles' Artforms. (2018). 12th ed. Pearson.

This book is a visual arts survey that provides information on art history, criticism and aesthetics, and studio production.

Kleiner, Fred S. Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Global History. (2019). 16th ed. Cengage Learning.

This book is a comprehensive history of art throughout the world from ancient times to present.

Sayre, Henry M. The Humanities: Culture, Continuity, and Change. (2019). 4th ed. Pearson.

This book examines the cultural history of the world through the visual arts.

Feldman, E. B. (1994). Practical art criticism. New York, NY: Pearson Education.

This book is a brief survey of art criticism, including the stages of the critical process, and aesthetics.

Goldberg, M. (2016). Arts integration: Teaching subject matter through the arts in multicultural settings (5th ed.). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

This book explores how the arts can be used to enhance learning of other subjects.

Stokstad, M., & Cothren, M. (2017). Art history (6th ed.). Pearson.

This book is a comprehensive history of art throughout the world from ancient times to present.

Online Resources

Glossary for National Core Arts: Visual Arts Standards PDF

This site is a glossary of visual arts terms on the National Core Arts: Visual Arts STANDARDS web site.

Kennedy Center: Visual Arts opens in a new window

This site provides resources on understanding and teaching a range of visual arts-related topics.

Visual Arts Tools & Techniques opens in a new window

This site covers materials, tools, techniques, and processes used in artmaking.

Art and Craft Safety Guide PDF

This site is a visual arts safety guide from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

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